What Are Typical Acts of Nursing Home Negligence?
Typical acts of nursing home negligence can involve inadequate staffing, unsupported or untrained staff, poor hygiene and sanitation standards, medication errors, physical abuse or neglect, inappropriate behavior by staff or residents, financial exploitation of residents, failure to provide adequate nutrition or hydration services, and not following doctor’s orders.
Inadequate Staffing
Inadequate staffing is one of the most common signs of nursing home negligence. Nursing homes should be adequately staffed to ensure that residents receive the care and attention they need, including help with basic tasks like bathing and eating.
Under Training
Unsupported or untrained staff are also a sign of negligence in nursing homes. All staff should have proper training to handle medical emergencies and provide proper care. Even with the staffing crisis in the last few years, it’s important that quality care is still provided, regardless of the number of staff.
Poor Hygiene and Sanitation Standards
Residents should be provided with a safe, clean environment in order to remain healthy. Poor hygiene and sanitation standards can lead to the spread of infection, skin diseases, and other health issues. Hygiene is one of the highest areas of negligence in nursing homes, with inadequate cleaning and a lack of personal hygiene items being among the most common complaints.
Medication Errors
Medication errors are one of the most common signs of negligence in nursing homes. It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that all medications are properly administered and documented according to doctor’s orders.
Physical Abuse or Neglect
Residents should not be subjected to physical abuse or neglect, including hitting, slapping, pushing, restraining or using abusive language. If a resident displays signs of physical abuse or neglect, it is an indication that the nursing home is not providing adequate care.
Inappropriate Behavior by Staff or Residents
Sexual harassment and assault should never be tolerated in a nursing home. If any staff member or resident displays inappropriate behavior towards another resident, it is a sign of negligence. This is a very serious problem and should be reported immediately.
Financial Exploitation
Financial exploitation of residents is another sign of negligence in nursing homes. It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that all financial transactions are handled ethically and with the resident’s best interests in mind.
Failure to Provide Adequate Nutrition or Hydration Services
Residents should have access to adequate nutrition and hydration services. If staff is not providing these services, it could lead to malnourishment and dehydration. When these things occur, the nursing home is not providing adequate care, under any circumstances.
Not Following Doctor’s Orders
It is the responsibility of nursing home staff to follow doctor’s orders when providing care to residents. Failure to do so can be a sign of negligence and can lead to medical complications for the resident.
These are some of the most common signs of nursing home negligence. If you suspect that a loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home, it is important to take immediate action by speaking to the management and reporting your concerns. It’s also important to contact an experienced attorney who can help you pursue justice for the wrongs done to your loved one.