
Software Options For Vets

At a time of digital disruption, when businesses are increasingly utilizing the power of cloud technology to run their businesses more efficiently. Veterinary practices have not been left behind. Many practices use management software to increase their profitability and efficiency. Software is essentially inescapable in the modern veterinary service. Vets need software to keep track of all the client and patient data that their practices generate, including information on diagnoses, vaccination, follow-ups, and treatments. Nurses and technicians need to ensure that drug delivery is efficient and that treatment is administered optimally. It is important to record the health records of every client and patient to be able to assess their medical needs and to recommend the right treatment for them. Veterinary practices have become so complex that it is impossible to survive without the use of management software. In this article, we will explore the software options for vets. 

The pandemic has accelerated digital disruption and more and more practices are relying on management software. Management software allows veterinary staff to more effectively collect patient data, manage their calendars, handle their invoicing and accounts, track their inventory, and track the overall performance of the practice. 

Not utilizing management software puts a veterinary clinic at a huge competitive disadvantage to other practices. Yet, despite this awareness, many practices find themselves overwhelmed by the number of options out there. The most important thing that a practice must do is to assess its clinical and management needs. Once you are clear about the needs you have, it’s easier to zero in on what options are more suited to your practice. 

Assess Your Needs 

There are various questions you need to ask yourself as you assess your needs. Here are some of the key questions to consider: 

  • What are the most important client and patient data that you need to capture?
  • At this stage, you should already be sending electronic reminders of appointments and offering online scheduling. If you do not, it’s time to start. 
  • How many physical locations does your practice have?
  • Is it important for you to have access to patient and client data when the practice is closed?
  • Will you be expanding or adding services in the future? Is that something you are at least considering?
  • What is the maximum that you can pay in upfront costs and subscription fees for management softwares? 
  • Is there any software or application that must be integrated into whatever management software you get?

The best veterinary clinics all start from the same point: understanding their own needs first by asking themselves questions such as these. Deciding what you need thereafter is much simpler and easier. 

After this, you can get down to the nitty-gritty of researching management software according to your needs. Don’t just rely on desktop research. Your colleagues in the industry are valuable sources of practical information about the pros and limitations of the options on offer. 

A common failing from managers is to take a top-down decision about management software. This is a mistake because however highly or lowly you think of software products, at the end of the day, it’s your staff that will use it. If they feel unformatable with an option that you think is superior, then the practice’s performance will decline. Your team has to feel comfortable with the software and buy-into its virtues. Their input is vital.